How to promote your in-person Walkshop locally

Street Wisdom is a global non-profit promoting the power of wandering to unlock creativity and clarity.

Amazing volunteers all around the world lead Street Wisdom Walkshops - yes, walking workshops! - to locals in their area to share this wanderful practice and get more people walking in this curious way.

We provide you with marketing materials to help you on your way, and we market all our Walkshops to our own audience via our e-newsletter and social media.

However, it’s also up to you to help get the word out there! Just telling someone about your Walkshop is a good thing, even if they can’t make it this time. But of course, the more people you tell, the more chance you’ll have of increasing bookings.

Once you’ve set up your in-person Walkshop, you can promote it to people in your local area in some really easy ways. Here are just some ideas!

  • Share your Walkshop with your direct network - friends, family, colleagues, acquaintances.

  • Send the press release we send you to your local press.

  • Create social media posts using the digital materials we send you and share on your social media networks.

  • Print out the posters we send you and put them on local bulletin boards/noticeboards or leave them in cafes, libraries, sports centres, supermarkets, tourism centres and other shared spaces.

  • Make direct connections with relevant local partners and ask them to promote it in their communications eg a local well-being company, a walking group, a local artists network.

  • Go for a Street Wisdom-style wander with the question “How can I maximise bookings for my Walkshop?” and see what happens! You might bump into some strangers who love to hear more…

  • What have we missed? Let us know from your experience!

Thanks to Walkshop host Claire Jefferies of Frome, who inspired this post! If you would like to set up a Street Wisdom Walkshop in your area, contact us.


Inspired? Fancy some more Street Wisdom? Join a Walkshop near you, or head out for your own wander right now with our Tune Ups. Buy a copy of founder David Pearl’s book Wanderful, all profits go back into Street Wisdom to help keep it free. Share your insights and follow us @StreetWisdom_

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