11 things you need to know about Street Wisdom

We just love this write-up of a recent Street Wisdom Walkshop in London, hosted by the wanderful Ula Caroto!

We particularly love the 11 things Ula says Street Wisdom is about:

  1. Wandering, getting lost and finding ourselves

  2. Meeting people from all ways of life and from all over the world

  3. Connecting with ourselves, people and the environment around us

  4. Connecting to all our senses

  5. Slowing down and seeing the world through a different lens

  6. Throwing a question into the streets (or nature) being open to receiving unexpected answers

  7. Synchroncity

  8. Mindfulness

  9. Creativity

  10. Wellness

  11. Imagination

Fancy experiencing the magic yourself? Join Ula’s upcoming Walkshops Cambridge! Or stream our free audio guides and head out right now!



Inspired? Fancy some more Street Wisdom? Join a Walkshop near you, or head out for your own wander right now with our Tune Ups. Buy a copy of founder David Pearl’s book Wanderful, all profits go back into Street Wisdom to help keep it free. Share your insights and follow us @StreetWisdom_

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