[Guest post] The power of being present – a write-up of a Street Wisdom Walkshop by host Anna Look

We just love this write-up of a recent Street Wisdom Walkshop in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, hosted by the wanderful Anna Look and Tiffany Baker.

Why not join Anna and “take the time to stand still and stare at a tree for five whole minutes”? Have a go at this simple practice that seems to “re-ignite the power of being present in others”. Beautiful stuff!

Sign up to an in-person event near you, or stream our free audio guides and head out there right now!


Inspired? Fancy some more Street Wisdom? Join a Walkshop near you, or head out for your own wander right now with our Tune Ups. Buy a copy of founder David Pearl’s book Wanderful, all profits go back into Street Wisdom to help keep it free. Share your insights and follow us @StreetWisdom_

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